Elevate your experience

Unlock exclusive perks when you join Sessions Rewards

A program designed with you in mind.

Embark on a rewarding journey with our loyalty program – designed with you in mind. Elevate your experience with access to exclusive savings, customized offers, and special perks. Your journey with us is about to become even more rewarding – explore the benefits below.*

Exclusive savings

Exclusive savings

Your favourite products for less with exclusive discounts and deals

Customized offers

Customized offers

Watch your rewards grow. Your customized offers are ready to be unlocked.

Birthday discount

Birthday Discount

Celebrate your Birthday day with special discounts as a token of appreciation.

Annual gift

Annual Gift

Enjoy surprise and delight gifts to thank you for your continued loyalty.

Sesh gear

Sesh Gear

Access a curated selection of stylish and functional merch, designed to enhance your experience.

Gift cards

Gift Cards

Get your in-app digital reloadable gift card that can be used at Sessions.

*No purchase necessary to enroll in Sessions Rewards or to accumulate points. Rewards points are non-transferrable and cannot be redeemed for cannabis products or accessories. Discuss with your local budtender to have check in points added to your loyalty account. One check in per person per day.

Download our App!

Effortlessly access exclusive discounts, view offers, and make online purchases through our Sessions Rewards App. Available on Google Play and the App Store.

Sessions Careers

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.

Careers: Motion Graphics

Sessions Careers

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.


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Embark on a rewarding journey with our loyalty program

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